How To Cook Salmon And How To Remove Skin From Salmon?
How to cook salmon and easily remove skin? The easiest way to remove salmon skin is to place the fillet skin side down on the cutting board and cut 1-inch between the skin and delicate flesh with a sharp knife. Once the skin is off, oil and season the fish and place on a medium-high preheated grill to cook 5 minutes per side.
Now, although you’ve read the short version above, I’m afraid it won’t be enough. Although all the basic steps are there, cooking salmon without the details simply won’t do. Thus, to make it easier for you, I’ve collected all the must-haves of cooking salmon and removing its skin easily just down below!
Table of Contents
How To Cook Salmon And Easily Remove Skin?
Salmon is a pretty flexible fish. It can be poached, pan-fried, grilled, or baked in the oven within less than half an hour. In addition to this, it also has an amazing amount of health benefits, including being rich in Omega3.
How To Remove Skin From Salmon?
When it comes to removing salmon skin, you’ll need a few things. The first is a sharp knife, the second is a cutting board, and the third – is instructions. If you’ve got the first two covered, scroll down to find the instructions!
How to remove salmon skin:
- Lay salmon skin down on the cutting board.
- Cut a small piece of salmon at the narrow end.
- Hold the fish by the appeared skin piece, and get your knife under the salmon flesh.
- If you have a smaller piece, with one smooth motion cut the salmon skin off, holding the knife edge towards the skin.
- If you have a bigger piece, move the knife in one direction. Do not wiggle it, cut – get it back to the position, and cut again.
This is how to easily remove the skin from the salmon:
How To Cook Salmon Without Skin In The Oven?
With the majority of fish, the cooking technique and seasoning choices are what makes or breaks you – salmon is no exception. To help you concern oven-baked salmon, I’ve written down a simple, quick yet refined recipe below.
- As always – preheat the oven, this time to 450° F.
- Brush a light amount of olive oil on both sides of the salmon – this will help it retain its moisture and keep it from burning in the oven. It’s also a simple way to make the spices stick onto the fillets better!
- Seasoning – my favorite part! Lightly sprinkle salt, pepper, garlic, parsley, and tarragon on both sides of the fillets. As a final touch, sprinkle lemon juice over the salmon for extra moisture and flavor.
- Place the salmon on a baking dish lined with either aluminum or baking paper to avoid it sticking to the dish.
- Bake the salmon fillets for 5 minutes per every 1⁄2 inch of thickness. For reference sake, most salmon fillets from the grocery store bake for about 15 minutes – when it’s ready, its center will slake easily!
How To Bake Salmon Without Skin Sticking?
Fish skin sticking onto a pan or baking dish is in no way ideal. On the contrary, it’s something most of us try to avoid whenever possible. Luckily, culinary advancements have come up with several simple solutions, and I’ve got all the best ones right here!
Your first option – is a non-stick spray. This is a solid option since it would prevent the salmon skin from sticking onto the baking dish. However, it’s not soundproof as the quality of the spray often depends on the brand.
Therefore, we arrive at option two – aluminum foil or baking sheets. All you’ll need to do is line the dish with a slate of aluminum or baking paper and place the salmon fillets onto it. This is a sure way of avoiding any skin sticking.
Lastly, if you want to play it extra safe, here’s a simple tip – combine the two methods. In other words, line the dish with aluminum foil or baking paper and then spray it with non-stick spray or even vegetable oil. Easy clean-up guaranteed!
How To Cook Salmon Without Skin In A Pan?
Even though most people assume there to be a huge difference when pan-searing salmon with and without skin, the two cooking methods are surprisingly simple, nevertheless, to make your first attempt at pan-searing a salmon fillet easier, here is a step-by-step rundown of the process.
- Rub a little salt and pepper into the salmon fillet.
- Heat olive oil in a non-stick skillet over medium-high heat.
- Once it starts simmering, place the salmon onto the skillet and cook for 5 minutes without moving it around the pan.
- Flip the salmon and sear the other side for an additional 5 minutes over medium heat.
- Transfer onto the plate and serve hot with a side of buttered asparagus!
How To Cook Salmon Without Skin In Air Fryer?
Checking out various cooking articles, you may have noticed that air fryer recipes tend to be the quickest and simplest ones around – cooking salmon is again no exception! Thus, to make this quick, here is one of the best salmon air-fryer recipes out there!
- Preheat the air fryer to 400°F.
- Lightly cover both sides of the salmon fillet with olive oil.
- Season generously! In translation, rub salt, pepper, garlic, a dash of paprika, and parsley on both sides.
- Air fry the salmon for 7 to 9 minutes, and make sure to check its doneness before taking it out. If it needs a minute or two more, don’t hesitate to put it back in the fryer until it cooks through.
How To Grill Salmon Without Sticking?
Just like with baked salmon, the culinary world has come up with a few soundproof ways to keep your salmon from sticking to the grill. With this simple trick below, your salmon fillet will never again stick to the grill. The answer?
A hot grill.
Even though it may come off as fairly simple, a hot grill really is the secret to cooking perfect salmon. A lot of people make the mistake of throwing their salmon on before the grill heats up, leading to the salmon skin sticking to the grill. To avoid this, you’ll want to grill your salmon hot and fast. In other words, only place the salmon on the grill when it’s hot and flip immediately after one side is done.
How To Cook Salmon Without Skin Sticking?
I’ve already given you a couple of tricks to avoid skin sticking both on the grill and in the oven. However, I have a few more of those up my sleeve, and I’m feeling generous. Thus, here are two more ways to avoid salmon skin sticking to your pan, grill, or whatever you’re cooking with!
For one – keep the skin on the fillet. The skin provides a protective layer that prevents the salmon from burning at high temperatures. Furthermore, it prevents the fillet from falling apart when flipping. Therefore, to keep it from sticking – do not remove salmon skin!
On the other hand, another neat and simple trick is to oil the fish instead of the greats and pan. This way, the oil is on the protein and helps it from sticking. It also ensures its moisture and helps the spices stick to the fillet.
How To Grill Salmon Without Skin Sticking?
The previous two sections have covered a lot of ground when it comes to avoiding salmon skin sticking. For this round of tips, I’d like to step out of the culinary box. Because of this, I’d recommend not grilling your salmon directly on the grates.
Hear me out. Place a cast-iron skillet on top of the grill and cook the salmon in it. This way, you’ll avoid any sticking while still holding on to that smokey grill taste.
How To Grill Salmon Without Skin On Foil?
- First things first – preheat the grill to medium-high heat.
- Place the fillet on a large piece and season just as described in previous recipes. For an extra special touch – add thin lemon slices on top of the fillet.
- Wrap the salmon in foil.
- Place the foiled-up salmon onto the grill, seal it and cook between 10 and 15 minutes. Depending on the thickness, you’ll maybe need to cook it for a few extra minutes.
- Use a fish spatula to place it onto a cutting board or plate. Let it cool for a few minutes before unwrapping the foil and serving it with a side of grilled vegetables of your choosing.
How To Grill Salmon Without Skin On Cedar Planks?
Unlike previous salmon recipes, this one is going to need a little prep time. Thus, if you decide on eating salmon off the grill with your friends, make sure they come over in two to three hours.
- Prep time – soak the cedar planks for an hour to two before grilling. Depending on the taste you’re aiming for, you can soak them in water, wine, or cider.
- Prep time (again) – preheat the grill to 350°F.
- Arrange the planks on the grill in a single layer and a bit of space between them – this allows the heat and air to flow!
- Placed a seasoned salmon onto the planks and cover the grill.
- Ideally, the salmon will cook for 12 to 15 minutes, but you’ll need to check on it around the 12-minute mark to avoid burning it.
- Once done, transfer to a cutting board and, using a sharp knife, cut into smaller pieces and serve with a side of asparagus.
How To Cook Salmon Without Burning?
This article has given you a bunch of ways to cook salmon without burning it – from non-stick spray in the oven to aluminum foil both off and on the grill. However, there is still that one classic and simple solution to avoid burning – keep checking on your salmon!
Be it on the grill or in the oven, salmon cooks fast and dries even faster. Therefore, to avoid drying it out and burning it, you’ll just have to keep checking on it every few minutes until it’s pink perfect. Just one of those by-the-stove recipes, I guess.
How Do You Cook Salmon So The Skin Comes Off Easily?
The trick to cooking salmon so the skin just peels off the moment you take it out is simply -timing. In other words, you’ll have to check on the salmon fillets a few times during cooking to get it just right. Remember, its center should be equally pink all the way through.
Once you take it off the stove, grill, or out of the oven, place it on a cutting board for a minute. Then, take a very sharp knife and remove salmon skin. If it’s cooked right, the crispy skin will practically fall off the first.
Then, all that’s left is to enjoy!
How Do You Take Skin Off Salmon?
Some people don’t eat salmon skin, and for them, this article has prepared 3 easy steps for removing it before cooking. However, do keep in mind that even the best-trained chefs have practiced removing salmon skin for years. Thus, if you don’t get it perfect on your first try, don’t get discouraged, and try try again!
- Place the salmon on the cutting board skin side down.
- Take a very sharp knife, and starting at the corner or tail end, cut about 1-inch between the skin and flesh. When cutting, make sure the knife is at a downward angle – this way, you’ll avoid cutting into the flesh.
- Hold the skin tightly with your other hand and slowly make your way down the fillet until you completely separate the skin.
As this is the end of the article, there’s not much to say except you’re now an expert on how to cook salmon and easily remove skin. Once you’re done separating the skin from the flesh with a sharp knife, you’re ready to oil and season the fillets and throw them on the grill to cook for 5 minutes per side.
If they start to stick, this time, you’ll have a whole lot of culinary tricks up your sleeve!