Mulberry Tree & Blackberry Tree: Are They The Same?

Mulberry tree blackberry tree

Is mulberry tree blackberry tree? No, even though mulberry fruit and blackberry fruit look similar, they grow on two different plants. Mulberry grows on mulberry trees, while blackberry fruits grow on a blackberry bush.

Both blackberry and mulberry fruits are juicy, full of flavor, and have many health benefits, but these two plants have many differences, and this article will go through all of these differences to give you the best comparison between mulberry trees and blackberry bushes.

Is A Mulberry Tree The Same As A Blackberry?

Origin And Distribution

The mulberry plant originated from Africa and Asia, but today, it can be found all over the globe. The blackberry plant originated in Europe and Asia, but it also can be found all around the world.

Mulberry trees are somewhat rare to find, but they can be found growing along the streams and in places with deep and rich soil. Blackberries grow wild almost everywhere, and they are considered to be an invasive species. Blackberry plants can be found in woods, hedges, by the road, and even in gardens.


When you compare blackberry vs mulberry, only the fruits look kinda similar. Both are dark purple and somewhat oval-shaped, but mulberry fruits are longer than blackberry fruits, and in general, mulberries tend to be larger.

Blackberry fruit has a shiny surface, while mulberries are more matte. Both blackberries and mulberries aren’t real berries.

Blackberries are actually aggregate fruits, which means it grows from several different ovaries that were present in a single flower. On the other hand, mulberry is an example of multiple or collective fruits, fruits that grow from multiple flowers that are fused together.

Mulberry fruits have thin stems attached to the fruit, and this stem goes all the way through the fruit itself. Blackberries, on the other hand, also have stems, but they are easily detached, especially when the blackberry is ripe.

These two types of black berries grow quite differently. Blackberries grow on bushes that are often called brambles. A blackberry bramble is a type of bush that has long branches that eventually fall over, and while doing so, they grow roots that enable the new bushes to appear.

Mullberries grow on trees that can reach 30-60 feet in height. The average blackberry bush can reach 3-4 feet in height, but some bushes have been known to reach 6 feet in height.

Another difference is that blackberry bushes have thorns, while mulberry trees have no thorns.


Mulberries belong to the Morus genus, while blackberries belong to the Rubus genus. Both mulberries and blackberries have several variants. For example, a mulberry can be a black mulberry, white mulberry, or red mulberry.

Black mulberries are the most common, they have dark purple, almost black color, and they are the most delicious. Red mulberries have an intense red color, and their flavor is milder than the flavor of black mulberries. White mulberries are almost bland, and they are easily recognizable by the white berries that grow on the tree.

Blackberries are often grown as a crop, and there are many cultivated varieties out there. However, blackberries can also be divided into three groups according to the way they grow: erect thorny blackberries, erect thornless blackberries and trailing thornless blackberries.

Mulberry tree blackberry tree pin

Flavor And Texture

When it comes to flavor, both mulberry and blackberry fruits have a sweet and tart flavor, but mulberries are sweeter, while the tart flavor is more pronounced in blackberries. Blackberries possess a hint of earthy flavor, which isn’t found in mulberries.

Blackberries have a floral, almost woody scent, while mulberries have a sweet and fruity aroma.

Nutritional Information

Blackberries and mulberries have similar nutritional values and calorie numbers. However, blackberries are richer in vitamin A, vitamin K, vitamin B9, and fiber, while mulberries are richer in vitamin C, calcium, and iron.

Culinary Use

Both fruits can be used in a variety of recipes, but blackberry is more popular by far. Blackberries are used to make juices, jams, ice creams, shakes, smoothies, pancake toppings, and other desserts.

Mulberries are also used to make jams, pies, muffins, ice cream, compote, sorbet, etc. Also, mulberry leaves can be used to make tea.

Fun fact: mulberry trees were initially cultivated because of their leaves, as these leaves were the main food for silkworms, insects that produced large amounts of silk.

Do Mulberry Trees Grow Blackberries?

No, although mulberry fruits look like berries, and they are most often black, these berries aren’t the same things as blackberries.

Can You Eat Berries From A Mulberry Tree?

Yes, you can eat berries from a mulberry tree. Mulberries are a type of fruit that is often eaten fresh or used in various recipes. Mulberries can be eaten raw, cooked, or dried and are a good source of vitamins and minerals. Additionally, the leaves of the mulberry tree can be used to make tea.

What Berry Looks Like A Blackberry But Grows On A Tree?

The berry in question is most likely a mulberry. Mulberries are blackberry-like fruits that grow on trees instead of bushes. They can be either red, black, or white, and have a sweet flavor.

Mulberries are native to warm climates like Asia, Africa, and the Middle East, but can also be found in some parts of Europe and North America.

They are often confused with blackberries because of their similar appearance, but mulberries are actually a different fruit. One way to tell the difference is that mulberries have a small stem attached to the fruit, while blackberries do not. Mulberries are also generally a bit larger than blackberries.


Now you know the answer to “Is the mulberry tree blackberry tree?” The answer is no, as mulberries and blackberries are completely different fruits. Mulberries are more oblong and sweeter, and they grow on mulberry trees. Blackberries are rounder and more tart, and they grow on blackberry bushes.

Both fruits are delicious and can be used to make various jams and in many other dessert recipes. Which one do you eat more often? Share in the comments!

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