How to Cook Lobster Tails on the Stove: A Step-by-Step Guide

How to Cook Lobster Tails on the Stove

Understanding Lobster Tails

Lobster tails are a delicious and versatile seafood option that can be cooked in a variety of ways. Here are some key things to keep in mind when working with lobster tails:

  • Lobster tails are typically sold frozen, and should be thawed in the refrigerator overnight before cooking.
  • The top shell of the lobster tail is hard and should be removed before cooking. This can be done by using kitchen shears to cut down the center of the shell and then pulling it apart.
  • The fin at the end of the lobster tail should also be removed before cooking.
  • Lobster meat is delicate and can become tough if overcooked, so it’s important to keep a close eye on cooking times.

Overall, lobster tails are a delicious and elegant seafood option that can be easily prepared on the stove. With a little bit of knowledge and preparation, you can create a delicious and impressive meal that is sure to impress your guests.

Preparing for Cooking

Before cooking lobster tails on the stove, it is important to properly prepare them. Here are the steps I follow:

  1. Thaw the lobster tails: If you have frozen lobster tails, you will need to thaw them before cooking. Place them in the refrigerator overnight or for about 8-10 hours. If you need to thaw them more quickly, you can place them in a sealed plastic bag and submerge them in cold water for 30 minutes to an hour.

  2. Clean the lobster tails: Rinse the thawed lobster tails under cold water and pat them dry with paper towels. Use kitchen shears to cut the top of the shell lengthwise down the center, stopping at the base of the tail. Use a spoon to gently lift the meat out of the shell, being careful not to break it. Remove the vein that runs along the underside of the meat, if present.

  3. Season the lobster tails: Sprinkle the lobster tails with salt and pepper, and add any other seasonings you like, such as garlic or lemon juice.

  4. Heat the stove: Heat a large skillet over medium-high heat. Add a tablespoon of butter or oil to the skillet and allow it to melt.

By following these simple steps, you will be well on your way to cooking delicious lobster tails on the stove.

Cooking Equipment

When it comes to cooking lobster tails on the stove, it’s important to have the right equipment on hand. Here are the tools I recommend:

  • Large pot: You’ll need a pot large enough to hold all of your lobster tails comfortably. A 4-6 quart pot should suffice.
  • Tongs: A good pair of tongs will help you handle the lobster tails safely and efficiently.
  • Skillet: If you prefer to cook your lobster tails in butter, a skillet is a great option.
  • Baking sheet: If you’re broiling your lobster tails, you’ll need a baking sheet to place them on.
  • Oven: If you’re broiling your lobster tails, you’ll need an oven to cook them in.

Before you start cooking, make sure all of your equipment is clean and in good working order. If you’re unsure about how to use any of the tools, consult the manufacturer’s instructions or do some research online. It’s always better to be safe than sorry!

Cooking Methods

When it comes to cooking lobster tails on the stove, there are a few methods you can choose from. Each method has its own benefits and drawbacks, so it’s important to choose the one that best suits your needs.


Boiling lobster tails is a classic method that many people prefer. To do this, simply fill a large pot with water and bring it to a boil. Add the lobster tails and let them cook for 8-12 minutes, depending on their size. Once they’re done, remove them from the pot and serve.


Steaming lobster tails is another popular method that can help to keep them moist and flavorful. To do this, fill a pot with about an inch of water and bring it to a boil. Place the lobster tails in a steamer basket and put it in the pot. Cover the pot and let the lobster tails steam for 8-10 minutes, depending on their size.


Grilling lobster tails is a great way to add some smoky flavor to your meal. To do this, brush the lobster tails with melted butter and season them with salt and pepper. Place them on a preheated grill and cook for 5-6 minutes per side, or until they’re cooked through.


Searing lobster tails is a quick and easy method that can help to lock in their flavor. To do this, heat a skillet over high heat and add some oil. Once the oil is hot, add the lobster tails and sear them for 2-3 minutes per side, or until they’re golden brown.

No matter which cooking method you choose, be sure to keep an eye on the lobster tails to ensure they don’t overcook. And remember, always use a meat thermometer to ensure they’re cooked to a safe temperature.

How to Cook Lobster Tails on the Stove

Cooking Lobster Tails

When it comes to cooking lobster tails on the stove, there are a few things to keep in mind. First, you’ll need to decide whether you want to use oil or butter to cook the lobster tails. Both options work well, but butter will give the lobster a richer flavor, while oil will help it cook more evenly.

Next, you’ll want to preheat your pan over medium-high heat. This will ensure that the lobster tails cook evenly and don’t burn. Once your pan is hot, you can add your cooking oil or butter.

When it comes to cooking lobster tails, the most important thing to keep in mind is the cooking time. Overcooked lobster can become tough and rubbery, while undercooked lobster can be unsafe to eat. A good rule of thumb is to cook lobster tails for 1 minute per ounce. For example, if you have a 6-ounce lobster tail, you’ll want to cook it for 6 minutes.

To check whether your lobster tails are done, you can use a meat thermometer to check the internal temperature. Cooked lobster meat should have an internal temperature of 140°F (60°C).

Once your lobster tails are cooked, you can remove them from the pan and let them rest for a few minutes before serving. This will help the juices redistribute throughout the meat, making it more tender and flavorful.

Overall, cooking lobster tails on the stove is a simple and delicious way to enjoy this classic seafood dish. With a little bit of know-how and the right ingredients, you can create a restaurant-quality meal in the comfort of your own home.

Seasoning and Flavoring

When it comes to seasoning lobster tails, simplicity is key. I like to keep it classic with a combination of salt, pepper, and unsalted butter. However, there are a few other ingredients you can use to add some extra flavor to your lobster tails.

  • Lemon juice: A squeeze of fresh lemon juice can brighten up the flavor of the lobster meat and cut through the richness of the butter.
  • Lemon wedges: Serve the cooked lobster tails with lemon wedges on the side for a refreshing and citrusy addition.
  • Salted water: Season the water you use to boil the lobster tails with salt to infuse some flavor into the meat.
  • Spices: If you want to get creative, you can add some spices like paprika or cayenne pepper to the butter mixture for a little kick.
  • Lemon zest: Grate some lemon zest into the butter mixture for an extra pop of citrus flavor.
  • Garlic cloves: Crush a few garlic cloves and add them to the butter mixture for a savory and aromatic touch.

To prepare the butter mixture, melt some unsalted butter in a saucepan and add your desired seasonings. If you prefer a more garlicky flavor, you can sauté the crushed garlic cloves in the butter before adding the other ingredients. Brush the butter mixture onto the lobster tails before cooking and reserve some for serving.

Another option is to cook the lobster tails in a mixture of butter and oil. This will give the meat a rich and decadent flavor. Simply melt some butter and olive oil in a skillet and cook the lobster tails in the mixture.

No matter how you choose to season your lobster tails, remember to remove the vein from the tail before cooking. This will ensure that the meat cooks evenly and looks more appealing on the plate.

Serving Suggestions

When it comes to serving lobster tails on the stove, there are many options to consider. Here are a few serving suggestions to make your meal even more enjoyable:

  • Melted butter is a classic accompaniment to lobster tails. Simply melt some butter in a small saucepan and serve it in a small dish alongside the lobster tails.
  • Lobster tails pair well with mashed potatoes or cauliflower. These sides can be prepared ahead of time and reheated while the lobster tails are cooking.
  • For a more casual meal, consider making lobster rolls with the cooked lobster meat. Simply mix the lobster meat with mayonnaise and your favorite seasonings and serve it on a toasted bun.
  • Mac and cheese is another great side dish that complements lobster tails. Consider adding some fresh chopped parsley or other herbs to the mac and cheese for added flavor.
  • A simple salad with a light vinaigrette is a great way to balance the richness of the lobster tails.
  • Be sure to season the lobster tails with kosher salt and cracked pepper before cooking them on the stove. This will enhance their natural flavors.
  • To add some extra flavor to your meal, consider making a pan sauce with the cooking juices from the lobster tails. Simply deglaze the pan with some white wine or chicken stock, add some fresh herbs, and reduce the liquid until it thickens.
  • Clarified butter is another great option for serving with lobster tails. It has a rich, nutty flavor and a higher smoke point than regular butter, making it perfect for dipping lobster meat.
  • For a pasta dish that incorporates lobster tails, consider making a simple pasta with garlic, olive oil, and fresh herbs. Toss in some cooked lobster meat and you have a delicious and easy meal.

Overall, there are many great ways to serve lobster tails on the stove. Experiment with different sides and seasonings to find your favorite combination.

How to Cook Lobster Tails on the Stove

Extra Tips and Tricks

When cooking lobster tails on the stove, there are a few extra tips and tricks that can help ensure your dish turns out perfectly. Here are some of my recommendations:

  • Use fresh lobster tails whenever possible. If you’re not sure where to find them, check your local seafood market.
  • For added flavor, try incorporating herbs and garlic into your dish. I like to use a few cloves of chopped garlic and some fresh parsley.
  • Basting your lobster tails with butter or oil while they cook can help keep them moist and flavorful.
  • If you’re short on time, consider using an air fryer to cook your lobster tails. This can be a quick and easy way to get perfectly cooked lobster tails in just a few minutes.

Overall, cooking lobster tails on the stove can be a simple and delicious way to enjoy this seafood delicacy. With a few extra tips and tricks, you can take your dish to the next level and impress your guests with your culinary skills.

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