How to Cook in Breath of the Wild: A Comprehensive Guide

How to Cook in Breath of the Wild

Understanding Cooking in Breath of the Wild

Cooking is a vital aspect of gameplay in Breath of the Wild. It allows players to create a variety of dishes that can provide temporary bonuses to their health, stamina, and abilities. Understanding the cooking mechanics is crucial for players to survive and succeed in the game.

To cook, players must first gather ingredients such as fruits, vegetables, meats, and spices. These can be found in the wild, bought from vendors, or obtained by defeating enemies. Each ingredient has its own properties and effects, and combining them in different ways can result in different dishes.

To cook, players must approach a cooking pot and interact with it. They can then select up to five ingredients to add to the pot. The order in which ingredients are added can affect the resulting dish. Once the ingredients are chosen, players can start the cooking process.

During cooking, a timer will appear, and players must wait until the dish is ready. Overcooking or undercooking the dish can result in a less effective or even harmful outcome. Once the dish is ready, it can be consumed immediately or stored for later use.

Understanding the properties and effects of different ingredients is key to creating effective dishes. Some ingredients can provide temporary boosts to health, stamina, or abilities, while others can have negative effects. Experimenting with different combinations of ingredients can lead to discovering new recipes and effects.

In summary, cooking is an essential aspect of gameplay in Breath of the Wild, and understanding the mechanics and properties of ingredients is crucial for success. Players should experiment with different combinations of ingredients to discover new recipes and effects that can help them in their journey.

Basics of Cooking

Cooking is an essential part of survival in Breath of the Wild. It allows you to create dishes that can restore your health, grant you temporary bonuses, and resist elemental damage. Here are some basics of cooking that you need to know:

Using the Cooking Pot

The cooking pot is a crucial tool for cooking. You can find it in most settlements, campsites, and stables across Hyrule. To use it, simply approach it and interact with it. You will then be taken to the cooking menu, where you can select the ingredients you want to cook.

Starting a Fire

To cook food, you need a source of heat. You can use a cooking pot over a campfire, or you can use a standalone campfire. To start a fire, you need wood and a flint. You can find wood by cutting down trees or picking up sticks. Flint can be found in rocky areas or by defeating certain enemies.

Managing Your Inventory

Your inventory is where all of your ingredients and cooked dishes are stored. You can carry up to 60 items, including weapons, shields, and bows. When you cook a dish, it will take up one slot in your inventory. If you run out of space, you can sell items to merchants, store them in your house in Hateno Village, or discard them.

Here are some tips to help you manage your inventory:

  • Sort your inventory by type to make it easier to find what you need.
  • Cook dishes with ingredients that are about to spoil to free up space.
  • Sell duplicate items or items that you don’t need to make room for more valuable items.

That’s it for the basics of cooking. With these tips, you should be able to cook delicious and useful dishes to aid you on your journey through Hyrule.

Types of Ingredients

Fruits and Vegetables

In Breath of the Wild, there are a variety of fruits and vegetables that can be used for cooking. These include apples, hydromelons, voltfruits, and fortified pumpkins. These ingredients can be found all throughout Hyrule and can be used to create dishes that provide health benefits, temporary buffs, and more.

Meat and Fish

Meat and fish are another type of ingredient that can be used for cooking. Raw meat, prime meat, raw gourmet meat, and raw prime meat are all examples of meat that can be used in dishes. Fish, such as the hearty bass and the staminoka bass, are also available for cooking. These ingredients can be obtained by hunting animals or fishing in the various bodies of water throughout Hyrule.

Monster Parts

Monster parts are a unique type of ingredient that can be used for cooking in Breath of the Wild. These include items such as monster horns, fangs, and claws. They can be obtained by defeating monsters throughout Hyrule. While they may not be appetizing on their own, they can be used in dishes to provide special effects, such as increased attack power or defense.

Overall, there are a variety of ingredients available in Breath of the Wild that can be used for cooking. By experimenting with different combinations of ingredients, players can create dishes that provide various benefits and effects.

How to Cook in Breath of the Wild

Creating Meals

Cooking in Breath of the Wild is an essential part of the game. It allows you to create meals that can restore your health, give you temporary buffs, and even increase the amount of damage you deal. Here are some recipes that I have found to be effective in my travels.

Simmered Fruit

Simmered Fruit is a great recipe for restoring health quickly. It requires any combination of fruits and a cooking pot. The recipe is as follows:

  1. Place any combination of fruits in a cooking pot.
  2. Cook the fruits until they are simmering.
  3. Let the fruits simmer for a few minutes.
  4. Remove the pot from the fire and let it cool.

Fried Wild Greens

Fried Wild Greens is a recipe that gives you a temporary speed boost. It requires any combination of herbs and a cooking pot. The recipe is as follows:

  1. Place any combination of herbs in a cooking pot.
  2. Cook the herbs until they are crispy.
  3. Remove the pot from the fire and let it cool.

Steamed Fish

Steamed Fish is a recipe that gives you a temporary defense boost. It requires any fish and a cooking pot. The recipe is as follows:

  1. Place any fish in a cooking pot.
  2. Add any combination of herbs or spices.
  3. Cook the fish until it is steaming.
  4. Remove the pot from the fire and let it cool.

Mushroom Skewer

Mushroom Skewer is a recipe that gives you a temporary attack boost. It requires any combination of mushrooms and a cooking pot. The recipe is as follows:

  1. Place any combination of mushrooms on a skewer.
  2. Cook the mushrooms until they are crispy.
  3. Remove the skewer from the fire and let it cool.

Cooking in Breath of the Wild is all about experimentation. Try different combinations of ingredients to see what works best for you. With these recipes, you should be able to create meals that will help you on your journey.

Cooking for Health and Stamina

As I explored the vast world of Breath of the Wild, I quickly realized the importance of cooking for health and stamina. Whether I was climbing a mountain or battling a tough enemy, having a hearty meal or an energizing elixir could mean the difference between success and failure.

Hearty Meals

Hearty meals are perfect for replenishing hearts and providing a health boost. These meals are made with hearty ingredients like meat, fish, and vegetables. Here are a few of my favorite hearty meals:

  • Hearty Fried Wild Greens: Made with hearty durian, this dish restores a whopping 12 hearts.
  • Hearty Meat and Rice Bowl: This dish restores 10 hearts and is made with raw meat and rice.
  • Hearty Steamed Meat: Made with raw prime meat and hearty durian, this dish restores 10 hearts.

Energizing Meals

Energizing meals are perfect for restoring stamina. These meals are made with ingredients like mushrooms, fruits, and vegetables. Here are a few of my favorite energizing meals:

  • Energizing Mushroom Skewer: Made with any combination of stamina-restoring mushrooms, this dish restores stamina.
  • Energizing Fish Skewer: Made with any combination of stamina-restoring fish, this dish restores stamina.
  • Energizing Honeyed Apple: Made with apples and honey, this dish restores stamina and provides a temporary stamina boost.

Enduring Meals

Enduring meals are perfect for extending the duration of your stamina wheel. These meals are made with ingredients like meat and seafood. Here are a few of my favorite enduring meals:

  • Enduring Fried Wild Greens: Made with any combination of stamina-restoring ingredients and hearty durian, this dish extends your stamina wheel.
  • Enduring Meat Skewer: Made with raw meat and any combination of stamina-restoring ingredients, this dish extends your stamina wheel.
  • Enduring Steamed Fish: Made with any combination of stamina-restoring fish and hearty durian, this dish extends your stamina wheel.

Cooking in Breath of the Wild can be daunting at first, but with a little experimentation, I found that it was easy to create meals that fit my needs. Whether I needed to restore hearts or stamina, there was always a dish that could help me on my journey.

Cooking for Combat

When exploring the vast and dangerous world of Hyrule in Breath of the Wild, it is important to be prepared for combat at all times. Cooking can provide a significant advantage in battles, whether it be through increased stealth, attack power, or defense. In this section, I will share some tips on how to cook meals that will give you an edge in combat.

Stealth Meals

When trying to avoid detection by enemies, a stealth meal can be incredibly useful. These meals will increase your stealth level, making it harder for enemies to detect you. Ingredients that are useful for creating stealth meals include Silent Shrooms, Stealthfin Trout, and Blue Nightshade.

To create a stealth meal, combine any of these ingredients with a Sneaky River Snail, which can be found in rivers and lakes throughout Hyrule. This will result in a meal that increases your stealth level for a set amount of time.

Attack Boosting Meals

If you’re looking to deal more damage in combat, an attack boosting meal is the way to go. These meals will increase your attack power, allowing you to take down enemies more quickly. Ingredients that are useful for creating attack boosting meals include Mighty Bananas, Razorshrooms, and Mighty Thistles.

To create an attack boosting meal, combine any of these ingredients with a piece of raw meat, which can be obtained from hunting animals throughout Hyrule. This will result in a meal that increases your attack power for a set amount of time.

Defense Boosting Meals

Sometimes, the best offense is a good defense. A defense boosting meal can help you withstand more damage in combat, making it easier to take down enemies. Ingredients that are useful for creating defense boosting meals include Ironshrooms, Fortified Pumpkins, and Armoranth.

To create a defense boosting meal, combine any of these ingredients with a piece of meat or seafood, which can be obtained from hunting or fishing throughout Hyrule. This will result in a meal that increases your defense for a set amount of time.

In conclusion, cooking can be a valuable tool when it comes to combat in Breath of the Wild. By creating meals that increase your stealth, attack power, or defense, you can give yourself a significant advantage in battles. Remember to experiment with different ingredients to find the perfect meal for any situation.

Cooking for Resistance

When exploring the vast world of Breath of the Wild, it is essential to have a variety of meals that can provide resistance to different elements. Cooking for resistance can help you survive the harsh environments and give you an edge in battles against enemies that use elemental attacks. Here are some tips for cooking meals that provide resistance to cold and electricity.

Cold Resistance Meals

When exploring snowy regions, it is crucial to have meals that provide cold resistance to avoid taking damage from the cold. Here are some ingredients that you can use to create cold resistance meals:

  • Spicy Peppers
  • Warm Darner
  • Sunshroom
  • Sizzlefin Trout

Combining any of these ingredients with Hyrule Bass or Raw Meat will create a meal that provides cold resistance for a certain amount of time. For example, cooking Spicy Pepper and Raw Meat will create Spicy Pepper Steak, which provides cold resistance for 7:30 minutes.

Electro Resistance Meals

Electricity is a dangerous element that can quickly drain your health if you do not have the proper resistance. Here are some ingredients that you can use to create meals that provide electro resistance:

  • Voltfruit
  • Electric Safflina
  • Thunderwing Butterfly
  • Zapshroom

Combining any of these ingredients with Hyrule Bass or Raw Meat will create a meal that provides electro resistance for a certain amount of time. For example, cooking Voltfruit and Raw Meat will create Voltfruit Tartare, which provides electro resistance for 7:30 minutes.

By having a variety of meals that provide resistance to different elements, you can explore the world of Breath of the Wild with confidence and ease. Remember to experiment with different ingredients to find the perfect meal that suits your needs.

Cooking with Elixirs

Basic Elixirs

When cooking with elixirs, it is important to note that basic elixirs are created by combining monster parts with critters. These elixirs usually provide a temporary boost to a specific stat, such as speed or defense.

To create a basic elixir, you will need to find a monster part and a critter that have compatible effects. For example, combining a Bokoblin Horn with a Restless Cricket will create a Hasty Elixir that increases your movement speed for a short period of time.

It is important to experiment with different combinations of monster parts and critters to discover new effects and maximize the benefits of your elixirs.

Special Elixirs

Special elixirs, on the other hand, are created by combining monster parts with other special ingredients, such as dragon parts or rare ores. These elixirs provide more powerful and unique effects, such as increased stealth or resistance to elemental damage.

To create a special elixir, you will need to find the appropriate monster part and special ingredient. For example, combining a Lynel Horn with a Shard of Farosh’s Horn will create a powerful elixir that temporarily increases your attack power.

It is important to note that special elixirs require rarer ingredients and may be more difficult to create. However, the benefits they provide can be well worth the effort.

Overall, cooking with elixirs can provide a significant advantage in combat and exploration. Experiment with different combinations of ingredients to discover new effects and maximize the benefits of your elixirs.

How to Cook in Breath of the Wild

Advanced Cooking Techniques

Cooking in Breath of the Wild is an essential skill that every adventurer must master. With the right ingredients and cooking techniques, you can create powerful dishes that provide various buffs and status effects. In this section, I will share some advanced cooking techniques that can help you create the most potent dishes.

Mixing Buffs

One of the most potent cooking techniques is mixing buffs. By combining different ingredients that provide different buffs, you can create dishes that provide multiple buffs. For example, if you mix a Razorclaw Crab with a Voltfruit, you can create a dish that provides both Attack Up and Shock Resistance.

Armor Enhancement

Cooking can also be used to enhance your armor. By cooking with specific ingredients, you can create dishes that provide armor buffs. For example, cooking with Armoranth and Ironshroom will create a dish that provides a temporary boost to your defense.

Maximizing Status Effects

Certain dishes provide status effects that can be very useful in specific situations. For example, cooking with Chillshrooms will create a dish that provides Cold Resistance, which is useful in cold environments. By maximizing the number of ingredients that provide the desired status effect, you can create dishes that provide longer-lasting effects.


The best way to discover new recipes and cooking techniques is through experimentation. Try mixing different ingredients and see what happens. You might discover a new dish that provides a unique buff or status effect. Keep in mind that some ingredients might have negative effects when mixed, so be careful.

In conclusion, cooking is an essential skill in Breath of the Wild that can provide various buffs and status effects. By using advanced cooking techniques, you can create dishes that provide multiple buffs, enhance your armor, and maximize status effects. Experimentation is key to discovering new recipes and techniques.

Regional Cuisine

As I traveled through the vast world of Breath of the Wild, I discovered that different regions have their own unique cuisine. Two regions that stood out to me were Tabantha and Gerudo.

Tabantha Recipes

Tabantha is known for its cold climate and abundance of Tabantha wheat. This region’s cuisine often includes dishes made with this ingredient, such as Tabantha wheat bread and cream of vegetable soup. Additionally, Tabantha also has a famous recipe for cold resistance elixirs, which can be made by combining warm safflina, warm darner horn, and Tabantha wheat.

Gerudo Recipes

The Gerudo region is located in the desert, where spices and fruits are abundant. Gerudo cuisine often features spicy and flavorful dishes, such as the popular spicy pepper steak. This dish is made by combining raw meat, spicy peppers, and hydromelons. Additionally, Gerudo also has a recipe for heat resistance elixirs, which can be made by combining warm safflina, warm darner horn, and monster parts.

Overall, it’s important to pay attention to the ingredients and cooking methods used in each region’s cuisine to create the most authentic and delicious dishes.

Gourmet Cooking

When it comes to cooking in Breath of the Wild, there are plenty of dishes that can be made to give Link a boost in his adventures. However, if you’re looking to impress your friends with some truly gourmet cooking, then you’ll want to focus on seafood, meat, and vegetarian dishes.

Seafood Dishes

Seafood is a popular ingredient in many of the game’s dishes, and for good reason. Not only is it delicious, but it’s also packed with nutrients that can give Link a much-needed boost. Some of the best seafood dishes to make include seafood fried rice, seafood paella, and seafood rice balls. These dishes are all fairly easy to make and can be prepared using a variety of different seafood ingredients.

Meat Dishes

Meat is another popular ingredient in many of the game’s dishes, and there are plenty of meat-based dishes that can be made to impress your friends. Some of the best meat dishes include meat curry, meat pie, and poultry pilaf. These dishes are all hearty and filling, and can provide Link with a much-needed boost of energy.

Vegetarian Dishes

If you’re looking for something a bit lighter, then vegetarian dishes are a great option. Some of the best vegetarian dishes to make include creamy heart soup, pumpkin stew, and veggie cream soup. These dishes are all packed with flavor and can be made using a variety of different vegetables.

When it comes to cooking these dishes, it’s important to use the right ingredients and to follow the recipe carefully. Additionally, using the right cooking method can make a big difference in the final outcome of the dish. For example, salt-grilled fish and salt-grilled mushrooms are both delicious when prepared correctly.

Overall, if you’re looking to impress your friends with some truly gourmet cooking in Breath of the Wild, then seafood, meat, and vegetarian dishes are all great options to consider. Just remember to use the right ingredients, follow the recipe carefully, and use the right cooking method to get the best results.

Hunting and Gathering

When it comes to cooking in Hyrule, hunting and gathering are essential skills that every adventurer should master. As Link, I have learned that the best way to obtain ingredients is by exploring the vast world of Hyrule and gathering materials from the environment. Here are some tips for successful hunting and gathering:

  • Explore the wilderness: Hyrule is full of wildlife, and many animals can be hunted for food. From deer to wild boars, there are plenty of creatures to hunt. Exploring the wilderness and keeping an eye out for animals is key to finding fresh ingredients.

  • Use your senses: When hunting, it’s important to use all of your senses. Listen for the sounds of animals and look for tracks and other signs of their presence. You can also use your Sheikah Slate’s sensor to track specific animals.

  • Be prepared: Hunting can be dangerous, so it’s important to be prepared. Make sure you have a good supply of weapons and arrows, and consider using stealth to avoid alerting animals to your presence.

  • Gather materials: In addition to hunting, gathering materials from the environment is also important for cooking. From mushrooms to fruits and vegetables, there are many ingredients to be found in Hyrule. Be sure to explore different regions to find a variety of materials.

  • Cook with heart containers: Heart containers are a valuable resource that can be used to increase your maximum health. When cooking, consider using ingredients that will grant heart containers to make yourself stronger and more resilient in battle.

By mastering the art of hunting and gathering, I have been able to create a wide variety of delicious dishes in Breath of the Wild. With a little practice and patience, anyone can become a skilled chef in Hyrule.

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