How to Cook Smoked Turkey Legs: A Simple Guide

How to Cook Smoked Turkey Legs

Understanding the Basics

When it comes to cooking smoked turkey legs, there are a few basics that you need to understand in order to get the best results.

Firstly, it’s important to choose the right turkey legs. Look for legs that are fresh and have a good amount of meat on them. Turkey legs that are too thin or small may not smoke well and won’t have as much flavor.

Next, you need to decide whether you want to cook your turkey legs on a grill or in a smoker. Both methods can produce delicious results, but a smoker will give you that classic smoky flavor that many people love.

Before you start cooking, make sure you have a meat thermometer on hand. This will allow you to check the internal temperature of the meat and ensure that it’s cooked all the way through. The internal temperature of smoked turkey legs should reach at least 165°F (74°C).

When it comes to seasoning your turkey legs, you can keep it simple with just salt and pepper, or you can experiment with different rubs and marinades. Just be sure not to overdo it with the seasoning, as you don’t want to overpower the natural flavor of the meat.

Overall, cooking smoked turkey legs is a fun and delicious way to enjoy this classic dish. With a little bit of knowledge and preparation, you can create a flavorful and juicy meal that is sure to impress your guests.

Preparation Before Cooking

Before cooking smoked turkey legs, it is important to prepare them properly. Here are the steps I follow to prepare turkey legs for smoking:

  1. Brine the turkey legs: I start by making a brine solution using water, kosher salt, brown sugar, black peppercorns, bay leaves, garlic, and allspice. I mix the ingredients together in a large pot and bring them to a boil. Once the mixture has cooled, I add the turkey legs to the pot and let them soak in the brine solution for at least 12 hours in the refrigerator.

  2. Rinse and pat dry: After brining, I remove the turkey legs from the brine solution and rinse them under cold water. I then pat them dry with paper towels to remove any excess moisture.

  3. Apply dry rub: Next, I apply a dry rub to the turkey legs. I usually make my own seasoning rub using a combination of brown sugar, black pepper, garlic powder, and paprika. I apply the rub generously to the turkey legs, making sure to cover all sides.

  4. Let sit at room temperature: After applying the dry rub, I let the turkey legs sit at room temperature for about 30 minutes. This allows the seasoning to penetrate the meat and helps the turkey legs cook more evenly.

  5. Preheat the smoker: While the turkey legs are resting, I preheat my smoker to 225°F. I also add some wood chips to the smoker to give the turkey legs a smoky flavor.

By following these steps, you can ensure that your smoked turkey legs are flavorful and tender.

Cooking Process

To cook smoked turkey legs, I prefer using a smoker or a grill. However, you can also use an oven if you don’t have access to a smoker or a grill.

Here are the steps I follow to cook smoked turkey legs:

  1. Preheat your smoker, grill, or oven to 225°F to 250°F.
  2. If using a smoker or a grill, add wood chips or chunks to create smoke. I prefer using hickory or applewood for a smoky flavor.
  3. If using an oven, wrap the turkey legs in foil to keep them moist. You can also add a few tablespoons of water to the foil to create steam.
  4. Place the turkey legs on the smoker, grill, or oven rack. If using an oven, place the foil-wrapped turkey legs on a baking sheet.
  5. Cook the turkey legs until the internal temperature reaches 165°F. Use a meat thermometer to check the temperature. The cook time will depend on the size of the turkey legs. Typically, it takes 2 to 3 hours to cook smoked turkey legs.
  6. Once the turkey legs reach the desired internal temperature, remove them from the smoker, grill, or oven.
  7. Let the turkey legs rest for 10 to 15 minutes before serving.

Using aluminum foil is optional, but it can help keep the turkey legs moist during the cooking process. If you prefer crispy skin, you can remove the foil during the last 30 minutes of cooking.

Overall, the cooking process for smoked turkey legs is simple and straightforward. With a little bit of patience and a meat thermometer, you can cook delicious and juicy smoked turkey legs at home.

How to Cook Smoked Turkey Legs

Maintaining Moisture and Flavor

When cooking smoked turkey legs, it’s important to ensure that they remain moist and full of flavor. Here are some tips to help you achieve this:

  • Baste the turkey legs: Basting the turkey legs with a liquid such as chicken stock, chicken broth, or butter will help to keep them moist and add flavor. You can also add a few drops of liquid smoke to the basting liquid to enhance the smoky flavor.

  • Cover the turkey legs: Covering the turkey legs with aluminum foil while they cook will help to trap in moisture and prevent them from drying out.

  • Add a liquid to the cooking pan: Adding a small amount of liquid such as water, chicken stock, or chicken broth to the bottom of the cooking pan will create steam, which will help to keep the turkey legs moist.

  • Don’t overcook the turkey legs: Overcooking the turkey legs will cause them to dry out. Use a meat thermometer to ensure that the internal temperature of the turkey legs reaches 165°F, and then remove them from the heat.

By following these tips, you can ensure that your smoked turkey legs are moist, flavorful, and delicious.

Post-Cooking Steps

After smoking your turkey legs to perfection, it’s time to take them off the heat and prepare them for serving. Here are some post-cooking steps to ensure your smoked turkey legs are delicious and ready to be enjoyed.


Before handling the turkey legs, it’s important to let them cool down for a few minutes. This will prevent any injuries or burns from handling hot meat. You can let the turkey legs cool on the smoker rack or transfer them to a plate.

Warm Water Bath

If you prefer your turkey legs warm, you can give them a warm water bath. Fill a large pot or container with warm water and submerge the turkey legs in it for a few minutes. This will warm them up without drying them out.


If you’re not serving the turkey legs immediately, you can store them in the fridge or freezer for later use. To reheat smoked turkey legs, preheat your oven to 350°F and place the legs on a baking sheet. Cover the legs with foil and bake for 10-15 minutes until they’re heated through.


Smoked turkey legs are a great addition to any meal. They’re perfect for BBQs, picnics, or any occasion. Serve them with your favorite sides and enjoy!

Storing and Reheating

Once you have finished cooking your smoked turkey legs, it’s important to store them properly to ensure their safety and quality. You can store smoked turkey legs in the refrigerator for up to four days. Simply place them in an airtight container or wrap them tightly in plastic wrap or aluminum foil.

When you’re ready to reheat your smoked turkey legs, there are a few different methods you can use. One option is to reheat them in the oven. Preheat your oven to 350°F, place the turkey legs on a baking sheet, and bake for 10-15 minutes, or until heated through.

Another option is to reheat them in a pot of warm water. Fill a large pot with water and heat it on the stove until it reaches a temperature of about 165°F. Place the turkey legs in a resealable plastic bag, and then place the bag in the pot of water. Let the turkey legs warm up in the water for about 10-15 minutes, or until heated through.

No matter which method you choose, be sure to check the internal temperature of the turkey legs with a meat thermometer before serving. The internal temperature should reach at least 165°F to ensure that the turkey legs are safe to eat.

Overall, storing and reheating smoked turkey legs is simple and easy. With a little bit of care and attention, you can enjoy delicious smoked turkey legs even after they have been cooked and stored.

Recipe Variations

When it comes to cooking smoked turkey legs, there are many recipe variations that you can try to add some variety to your meal. Here are a few ideas to get you started:

  • Spicy: If you like your food with a bit of a kick, try adding some cayenne pepper or hot sauce to your turkey legs before smoking them. You can also sprinkle some chili powder or red pepper flakes on top for extra heat.

  • Sweet: For a sweeter flavor, you can brush your turkey legs with honey or maple syrup before smoking them. You can also mix some brown sugar with your dry rub for a sweet and savory combination.

  • Herbs and spices: Experiment with different herbs and spices to create unique flavor profiles. Some popular options include rosemary, thyme, sage, garlic, and onion. You can mix and match these ingredients to create your own custom blend.

  • Asian-inspired: For an Asian twist, you can marinate your turkey legs in soy sauce, ginger, and garlic before smoking them. You can also add some sesame oil and sesame seeds for extra flavor.

  • Barbecue: If you love classic barbecue flavors, you can use a store-bought barbecue sauce to baste your turkey legs while they smoke. You can also mix some barbecue seasoning into your dry rub for a smoky and tangy flavor.

No matter which recipe variation you choose, make sure to follow the basic steps for smoking turkey legs to ensure that they are cooked to perfection. Whether you’re using homemade or store-bought turkey legs, frozen or fresh, these variations can help you create a delicious and unique meal.

Choosing the Right Turkey Legs

When it comes to cooking smoked turkey legs, choosing the right turkey legs is crucial for a delicious and satisfying meal. Here are some tips to help you select the best turkey legs for smoking:

  • Visit a reputable butcher: A good butcher can help you choose the best turkey legs for smoking. They can also provide you with tips on how to prepare and cook the meat.

  • Look for jumbo turkey legs: Jumbo turkey legs are larger and meatier than regular turkey legs, making them ideal for smoking. They also have more flavor and tenderness.

  • Consider tom legs: Tom legs come from male turkeys and are larger and meatier than hen legs. They are perfect for smoking and have a rich, savory flavor.

  • Check the color: Look for turkey legs that have a healthy pink color. Avoid turkey legs that are gray or have a greenish tint.

  • Check the texture: The meat should be firm to the touch, but not too hard. Avoid turkey legs that feel mushy or slimy.

  • Check the smell: The turkey legs should have a fresh, clean smell. Avoid turkey legs that have a strong, unpleasant odor.

By following these tips, you can choose the best turkey legs for smoking and ensure a delicious and satisfying meal.

How to Cook Smoked Turkey Legs

Pairing Suggestions

When it comes to pairing smoked turkey legs, there are a variety of sides and drinks that can complement the flavor of the meat. Here are a few suggestions:


  • Mashed potatoes: The creaminess of mashed potatoes can balance out the smoky flavor of the turkey legs.
  • Green beans: A classic side dish that adds some color to your plate and provides a crisp texture to complement the tender meat.
  • Cornbread: The sweetness of cornbread can be a great contrast to the savory flavor of the turkey legs.
  • Coleslaw: The freshness and crunch of coleslaw can provide a nice contrast to the smoky flavor of the meat.


  • Beer: A cold beer can be a great complement to the smoky flavor of the turkey legs. A light lager or pilsner can be a good choice.
  • Red wine: A bold red wine can be a good pairing with the richness of the turkey legs. Look for a wine with a full body and some tannins.
  • Iced tea: A refreshing glass of iced tea can be a great choice for a summer barbecue or picnic.

Remember, the key is to find a side or drink that complements the flavor of the smoked turkey legs without overpowering it. Experiment with different pairings to find the perfect combination for your taste buds.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

When cooking smoked turkey legs, there are a few common mistakes that can easily be avoided. Here are some tips to help you get the best results:

  • Overcooking the turkey legs: One of the most common mistakes when cooking smoked turkey legs is overcooking them. This can result in tough and dry meat. To avoid this, make sure you keep an eye on the internal temperature of the turkey legs and remove them from the heat when they reach 165°F.

  • Not seasoning the turkey legs: Another mistake that can ruin the flavor of your smoked turkey legs is not seasoning them properly. Make sure you season the turkey legs generously with salt, pepper, and any other herbs and spices you prefer.

  • Skipping the brine: Brining the turkey legs before smoking them can help keep the meat moist and flavorful. Don’t skip this step if you want the best results.

  • Using the wrong type of wood: The type of wood you use for smoking can have a big impact on the flavor of your turkey legs. Make sure you choose a wood that complements the flavor of the meat. For example, hickory or mesquite can be a good choice for a stronger flavor, while fruitwood like apple or cherry can provide a more subtle flavor.

  • Not letting the turkey legs rest: After the turkey legs are done cooking, it’s important to let them rest for a few minutes before serving. This allows the juices to redistribute throughout the meat and ensures that it stays moist and tender.

By avoiding these common mistakes, you can ensure that your smoked turkey legs turn out delicious and flavorful every time.

Fun Facts

I have some interesting facts to share about smoked turkey legs that you may find surprising.

  • Did you know that smoked turkey legs are a popular food item at fairs and carnivals? People love to walk around with a giant turkey leg in hand while enjoying the festivities.
  • Smoked turkey legs are perfect for Thanksgiving dinner. They are a great alternative to traditional turkey and are a crowd-pleaser.
  • The color of smoked turkey legs is a deep, rich brown that looks as delicious as it tastes.
  • One smoked turkey leg can weigh up to 1 pound, making it a hearty meal for one person.
  • The process of smoking turkey legs is a slow and steady one. It can take up to six hours to smoke a turkey leg to perfection.
  • Smoked turkey legs are a good source of protein and are relatively low in fat compared to other meats.
  • The flavor of smoked turkey legs is unique and delicious. The smoky flavor pairs well with a variety of side dishes.

Overall, smoked turkey legs are a fun and tasty food item that can be enjoyed at fairs, carnivals, and Thanksgiving dinners alike.

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